Business Division

Welcome back to the Center for Faith and Work, where our dedicated network of business professionals serves with a humble heart and a commitment to excellence. We view our work not only as a means of livelihood but also as a platform for ministry and service to others.

Within our center, you'll find a range of business services carefully crafted to meet the needs of individuals and organizations seeking to align their practices with Christian principles. 

Our Team Offers:

Research & Consultancy

Digital Solutions

Career Services

At the Center for Faith and Work, we believe that every business endeavor is an opportunity to glorify God and serve others. Our commitment to humility, integrity, and compassion guides everything we do, ensuring that our services reflect the love of Christ in action. Join us as we journey together, seeking to honor God through our work and make a positive impact in the world. 

Research and Consultancy

Welcome to the Research and Consultancy department at the Center for Faith and Work. Grounded in Christian values, our team offers thoughtful guidance and practical solutions across various domains.  

In market research, we provide insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive landscapes, helping organizations make informed decisions aligned with their mission.  

Our project and program evaluation services ensure resources are used wisely, contributing to organizational stewardship and effectiveness. 

For academic research, our advisory services support scholars and students throughout the research process, promoting scholarly rigor and integrity.  

Through strategy consultancy, we collaborate with organizations on business planning, strategy development, and corporate restructuring, empowering them to pursue excellence with integrity.  

Digital Solutions Division

Welcome to the Digital Solutions department at the Center for Faith and Work. With a commitment to integrity and excellence, our team offers a range of services to help businesses thrive in the digital realm. 

In web design and development, we craft bespoke websites that reflect the values and mission of our clients, ensuring they make a positive impact online.  

Our domain name services provide organizations with a unique online identity, allowing them to establish a strong presence in the digital landscape.  

With our digital marketing support, we help businesses reach their target audience effectively through strategic campaigns and thoughtful messaging.  

For e-commerce solutions, we empower organizations to expand their reach and streamline their operations, enabling them to grow sustainably in an increasingly digital world .

Career Services Division

Welcome back to the Career Services department at the Center for Faith and Work. Our mission is to support individuals in their career journey with compassion, guidance, and Christian values 

Through career counseling, we provide personalized guidance to help individuals discern their vocational calling and navigate career transitions with confidence and clarity. Our resume writing services offer professional assistance in crafting resumes that effectively communicate skills, experiences, and achievements, aligning with God-given talents and aspirations. 

Additionally, we offer career training programs designed to equip individuals with essential skills for success in the workplace and entrepreneurial endeavors. Our training covers various aspects, including entrepreneurship, financial literacy, job search skills, and career planning. Through these programs, participants gain practical knowledge and insights to thrive in their chosen fields, honoring God through their professional pursuits